2 Healthy Fall-Inspired Juices

October 19, 2020

I'm Chef Eduardo, and I'm a plant-based chef.

more about me

I've been a professional chef for over 10 years and now I'm sharing my knowledge and helping people learn how to cook with plants to make them delicious!


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Since it’s officially pumpkin-spice season, we thought we’d go a veer towards the healthier side of flavored syrups and focus on real energizing drinks—juices!

We just recently got a slow-masticating juicer and we’re obsessed. As someone who’s never owned a juicer before this is extremely exciting to me (Ariana), and Eduardo is happy to recreate some hometown favorites that he used to drink back in Mexico. If you’re interested, we bought this one . It’s worked very well for us so far, it’s simple to clean and also looks nice on the counter!

So since it’s the start of a new season, we thought we’d do something different and make some fall-inspired juices for you today. I think a lot of people think juices are something you only have in the summer (they’re certainly a refreshing drink on a hot day!) but the beauty of juices is that they can be made with fruits and vegetables, so why not use some seasonal veggies to spruce things up and give us a boost of energy? Here are two recipes for a delicious Carrot & Apple Cinnamon Spice Juice and a Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice that we think you’re going to love.

Scroll down for the recipe ↓



Carrot & Apple Cinnamon Spice

This first juice is everything you could ever imagine when you think fall. It’s apple, spice, and everything nice! Literally tastes like fall in a glass, and in our opinion, beats any pumpkin spice artificially-flavored drink.

It’s definitely the sweeter of the two as apples and carrots are very sweet right now. If you prefer to dial down the sweetness you can always reduce the number of apples or use green Granny Smith apples instead. You can also adjust the spice levels to your liking. If you want a little more spices in your juice, add more cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom. If you prefer less, add less. It’s up to you!

This juice would make a great midday pick-me-up or even for dessert as a sweet treat! The color is a gorgeous bright orange (the turmeric helps with that) so it looks great on the table. You can even serve it at your next Halloween/Thanksgiving get-together.


Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice

This juice is more on the savory side, with a slight hint of sweetness from the pear and a refreshing kick from the ginger.

This juice would be perfect to start your day with—especially if you work out in the mornings— due to the cleansing properties of the celery and the blood-healthy beets! Beets have been shown to be rich in nitrates that become nitric oxide inside the body, which makes opens up blood vessels and pumps more blood to working muscles.*

The color is also amazing! Just by looking at it you know there are some powerful nutrients in there. The earthiness of the beets, the saltiness of the celery, the sweetness of the pear, and the freshness of the ginger work perfectly together to make this delicious powerhouse drink that is sure to get you going for the day.

As with the Carrot & Apple Cinnamon Spice juice, feel free to adjust the ginger levels to your liking. If you like a good ginger kick, add some more. If you prefer a milder drink, add less.

*Nutritional info from verywellfit.com



Carrot Apple Cinnamon Spice Juice

Makes about 2 cups | 16oz

2 apples

5-6 small carrots (or 3-4 medium)

1/2”-piece fresh turmeric, peeled or 1/4 tsp ground

1/4 tsp cinnamon

1/16 tsp nutmeg

1/16 tsp cardamom

  1. Cut the core out of the apple and the ends off the carrots. Cut apples and carrots into 3”-pieces and juice along with the turmeric using a slow-masticating juicer or whatever kind of juicer you have on hand.

  2. Stir in cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom (and turmeric if using ground instead). Taste and adjust seasoning, adding more spices if desired. Drink immediately or store in fridge for a maximum of 1 day.


Beet, Pear & Ginger Juice

Makes about 2 cups | 16oz

4 medium red beets

2 ripe pears

1 stalk celery

1/2”-piece fresh ginger, peeled or 1/2 tsp ground

  1. Cut the tops and roots off the beets, core the pears, and take and leaves off the celery.

  2. Cut beets, pears, and celery into 3”-pieces and juice along with the ginger using a slow-masticating juicer or whatever kind of juicer you have on hand.

  3. Taste and adjust seasoning, adding more ginger if desired. Drink immediately or store in fridge for a maximum of 1 day.


Did you make these recipes? tag us on Instagram @eatogether.co so that we can see them!


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I'm Chef Eduardo, and I'm a plant-based chef living in New York City.

more about me

I've been a professional chef for over 10 years and now I'm sharing my knowledge and helping people learn how to cook with plants to make them delicious!


learn how to master vegan cooking

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