Gluten-Free Sprouted Seed Crackers

September 12, 2023

I'm Chef Eduardo, and I'm a plant-based chef.

more about me

I've been a professional chef for over 10 years and now I'm sharing my knowledge and helping people learn how to cook with plants to make them delicious!


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learn how to master vegan cooking

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· Gluten-free · Nut-Free · Soy-Free ·

When it comes to snacks, we often crave something that’s not only gluten-free but also flavorful, satisfying, and nutritious right? Imagine a snack that’s not just vegan-friendly but a crunchy, flavorful taste. These crackers are a proof to how gluten-free snacking can be delicious, nutritious, and incredibly satisfying.

In this recipe, the blend of seeds, each carefully chosen for its nutritional profile and taste. Combine ground flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds to create a symphony of flavors that’ll keep you coming back for more.


A nutritious and crunchy snack on-the-go to take to the office, school, park, or just for an afternoon pick-me-up. Some delicious snack you can share with your family and friends on a leisure day. You can even have it on the grab inside your backpack!

Gluten-Free Sprouted Seed Crackers

Yields 1220ML

250g ground flax seeds

100g chickpea flour 100g

toasted sesame seeds

23g salt

4g whole peppercorns, ground

Zest of 2 lemons

400ml water

75ml olive oil

1g garlic powder

150g toasted sprouted pumpkin seeds

150g toasted sprouted sunflower seeds


  1. Line 2 10X15″ baking sheets with parchment paper and preheat your oven to 320°F.
  2. Add half of the pumpkin seeds and half of the sunflower seeds to a food processor and pulse. They should be broken down, but not crumbly.
  3. Add them to a large bowl along with the rest of the ingredients. Use a large rubber spatula to mix well until fully combined.
  4. Once mixed, add half of the mix onto it. Use the spatula to spread it out relatively evenly on the parchment.
  5. Lift the sheet off the tray and place on a flat surface. Place another piece of parchment paper of the same size on top of it and use a rolling pin to press down a few times horizontally on the top sheet of parchment paper so that it spreads the cracker mix evenly. Press down on it again a few times vertically to make it more even. Use the rolling pin to roll out any other unevenness if necessary until you have a flat, even surface.
  6. Repeat this process with the other half of the cracker mix.
  7. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, check to see if there’s any browning happening on the bottom or if the edges have started to dry out. If not, cook for another 20 minutes until the bottom has started to brown and the edges have started to dry.
  8. At this point, take the trays out of the oven and carefully flip the mix so that the bottom is now facing up. Return to the oven and cook for another 40 minutes, or until the center the cracker mix is hard and toasted (you can check this with a knife).
  9. Remove from oven and leave to cool completely before cracking. Store in an air-tight container for up to 1-2 months. Avoid storing it in room with direct sunlight for longer consumption.

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I'm Chef Eduardo, and I'm a plant-based chef living in New York City.

more about me

I've been a professional chef for over 10 years and now I'm sharing my knowledge and helping people learn how to cook with plants to make them delicious!


learn how to master vegan cooking

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